admin apologies for the delay in responding. Wanted to make sure I'd tested this properly before coming back.
The slot end time 00/30 works perfectly. I've had numerous goes at this, unplugging just after the half hour and each time the Giv charging has ran to the expected point😀.....
...... as long as the EV is physically unplugged and we get similar to this in the Octopus app, saying unplugged:
I presume at this point the Octopus API despatches a signal and this is what WW is reacting to?
The only fly in the ointment is, when I get an early evening charge slot (IOG is so easy to manipulate, if you know how) and then a bit later reschedule to get morning slots. An ASHP chews through quite a few kWh when the temp hasn't been above 0⁰C for 3 days.🥶
In this 2nd scenario, I'm guessing there's no signal for WW to react to as the EV hasn't been physically disconnected.🤔
Anyway, as this stop/start EV charging is initiated by me, it's easy to update the times in the GE app, so no big deal.
Overall, thumbs up for this fix.👍
Off to see what other bugs I can find.🤣