• General
  • Tomorrow Agile tariffs not showing

No worries, but mine not there currently..... 18:55

Folks, please remember to put your Your WattID: ####-#### when posting when you have an issue

No Agile rates showing for tomorrow for me yet (19:15). But they are there on Octopus.
Plunge pricing early afternoon.


Still no Agile slots for tomorrow but WW has set the Agile Window HOLD at 22:30.
Will be interesting to see what happens at 7am tomorrow when the HOLD should be turned off...

Looks like WW executed the Agile charge window turning the hold on and off at the right times. It also reset the AC charge times that I had set manually.

None for me either - might need to manually set for tomorrow's big plunge!


ID - soft-agent
19:30 - Still no agile price, although I can see the price on the octopus site.

If the new rates aren't showing, will the wonderwatt previous settings overwrite what I put on my growatt settings due charging?

    Sorry all, this will take us some time to get to the bottom of, and currently away. Sod’s Law!

      None showing for me either
      aggressive -pension

      Look like it's back to life.. no slots auto selected for today

        Tima441 Correct, this is because we would potentially overwrite other users that were not affected.

        Looked like this was a temporary issue with the Octopus price API, which resulted in corrupt price files that could not be loaded (for some of the DNO regions).

        We will aim to make this mechanism more robust next week.

        Apologies once again and thanks for bearing with us.

        17 days later

        Tomorrow's rates were published late today. This might be why they are still missing from WW?

          4 months later

          @admin are you on to this today? Numbers didn't update until almost 5pm today, so nothing yet on WW.