I had the same. First 2 short charge sessions worked but the main one at 2.30am was never scheduled nor in the log.


Yeah, 4 for me too. But then one I added manually did work??


The block didn't activate, nothing in the activity log. The single slot did.

Same here. beautiful-rule
Nothing in log, slots showing with dark borders

Yes same for me, log shows successful connection but no charge?

Charge instruction set to 100% for 02:30 - 05:00 - Agile Octopus

Same here. 6 slots selected but none executed. Agile HOLD was executed.


I had set mine 2am - 4am and mine also didn't charge

I also had a charge slot scheduled this morning between 2:30 and 3:30 which didn't happen. There's nothing showing in the WW Activity Log

Additionally, I had an export window scheduled on Sunday afternoon to start at 16:00 which didn't happen, again, nothing showing in the Activity Log, although I'm certain it did show up in there at the time, but on re-checking it today it seems to no longer be there???


    Looks like there was a temporary DB contention issue around 2:30 and leading up to that. We'll look into it. May need to upgrade our DB tier/sku.

    Update: There was an automated maintenance update to our DB server, which caused connection timeouts and connectivity issues around the time of the restart.

    mrtnbcky Additionally, I had an export window scheduled on Sunday afternoon to start at 16:00 which didn't happen, again, nothing showing in the Activity Log, although I'm certain it did show up in there at the time, but on re-checking it today it seems to no longer be there???

    Can't see anything in our detailed cloud logs - only an Octo Agile charge slot from 12:00-16:00, no export at all. Perhaps the schedule wasn't active?

    Our activity logs are not deleted.

      admin Might have been user error, if I think a similar thing has happened again I'll take a screen shot.

      Perhaps if a database error has occurred could the longer charges be scheduled for the next slot rather than the whole group of slots failing?