Charge window failed
Same here. beautiful-rule
Nothing in log, slots showing with dark borders
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Yes same for me, log shows successful connection but no charge?
Charge instruction set to 100% for 02:30 - 05:00 - Agile Octopus
I had set mine 2am - 4am and mine also didn't charge
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I also had a charge slot scheduled this morning between 2:30 and 3:30 which didn't happen. There's nothing showing in the WW Activity Log
Additionally, I had an export window scheduled on Sunday afternoon to start at 16:00 which didn't happen, again, nothing showing in the Activity Log, although I'm certain it did show up in there at the time, but on re-checking it today it seems to no longer be there???
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Looks like there was a temporary DB contention issue around 2:30 and leading up to that. We'll look into it. May need to upgrade our DB tier/sku.
Update: There was an automated maintenance update to our DB server, which caused connection timeouts and connectivity issues around the time of the restart.
mrtnbcky Additionally, I had an export window scheduled on Sunday afternoon to start at 16:00 which didn't happen, again, nothing showing in the Activity Log, although I'm certain it did show up in there at the time, but on re-checking it today it seems to no longer be there???
Can't see anything in our detailed cloud logs - only an Octo Agile charge slot from 12:00-16:00, no export at all. Perhaps the schedule wasn't active?
Our activity logs are not deleted.
Perhaps if a database error has occurred could the longer charges be scheduled for the next slot rather than the whole group of slots failing?
WindyMiller Yeah tricky really because all the interaction requires DB access here and there.