Looking forward to the long solar days, and higher temperatures, I'd like to be able to set a maximum charge rate in WW in the same way as I can in Giv. settings. Ideally perhaps with WW reading the Giv. setting before running a WW schedule and re-instating it after the schedule has finished.
Why: To keep inverter and battery temperatures down whenever possible. Why charge at 3000w in my case when 1500w would be sufficient?
Charge rate scheduling
admin I thought that the charge rate was set back to Maximum setting when you backed out of a charge schedule.. Fine for this time of year but not needed for the summer I reckon.
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SilverArt Right, I see, thanks.
We currently store and use the Max Charge rate setting from inverter settings. We could introduce an additional override which can be adjusted. The resetting would happen based on that override value specified if lower than max.
And the charging power would still be adjusted based on the max charge rate you want to use instead.
Though it might be more of a theoretical problem rather than a practical one during summer months, where it's generally unlikely that 100% charge rate would be applied anyway.
Ah, OK, equally you wouldn't want to charge your battery from PV at 100% charge rate, I get you.
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admin Ah, OK, equally you wouldn't want to charge your battery from PV at 100% charge rate, I get you.
Correct. In the summer it is a two fold benefit. It means that I start exporting sooner in the day which in turn means I try to export less (or even use more) during the peak solar time, which could mean that I'm less likely to get 'high voltage' errors.
admin We could introduce an additional override which can be adjusted. The resetting would happen based on that override value specified if lower than max.
That would be a good compromise and would possibly be even better if it were settable in the individual schedule.
There seems to be a problem/bug regarding grid charge power.
When charging 100%, power is 6.5 kW
When charging 52%, power is 5.24 kW
WW seems to use inverter max charge (10 kW) and not battery max charge (6.6 kW) for the percentage calculation. This might also (al least partly) be the reason for grid charge to 100% being finished after 2+ hours, and not using the full available time slot of 6 hours (from 00 to 06).
My plant: Growatt SPH 10000TL3 BH-UP and 12.8 kW HV battery.
If it is not possible/practical to get battery max charge value from Growatt via API, i would suggest a field in WW settings, battery details, alongside capacity, to enter max charge. The calculation should then use the smallest value.
Best, Per