I'm having an issue in actually finding my API key. I went to Account Settings and then Manage Account Security

There is a section that reads My API Keys. There are two lines there. One is octopus. and the other is solcast-api-keys-v-1. Neither of them have an API key.

Underneath that it reads Manage givenergy.cloud API Tokens.I've clicked on it but I'm not sure which boxes to tick (or even if it is the correct thing to do). Can someone please advise me


    Adrian_london I think you're on the wrong forum for this. You need the GivEnergy forum at https://community.givenergy.cloud/. Whilst there may be someone here who can answer, WonderWatt is about the automatic scheduling software you can run that will talk to your inverter (once it's set up).

    However if you want to get a new API from the GE app to put into Wonderwatt then click Manage API tokens then generate API token. Instructions in the FAQ at https://community.wonderwatt.com/d/5-wonder-watt-faq. Paste the generated API token into the WonderWatt settings.

      I think I've got it up and running now, but I'm not 100% certain if it's working corretly. I'll let you know in a few hours!!