Monkey How can I be certain that these are genuine extra off peak slots?
Well, they are assigned by Octopus, we simply receive them from their API.
Monkey Secondly my IOG slots are always set. At 2330-0530 even when Ohme / octopus have scheduled extra charging outside these times. As a result our battery is discharged unless I pause it.
Yeah, we do set the 23:30-05:30 window automatically as that is the default IOG off-peak window.
Additional slots outside these times should also be picked up. The whole point is that the battery is not discharged during extra slots because we pick these up and instruct your battery to charge/hold according to your IOG settings configured under our Intelligent Octopus menu.
You seem to have had charges outside of the standard time eg. Charge instruction set for IOG 10:00 - 12:00: 100% target at charge rate of 10%
yesterday, which would have prevented your battery discharging.
So unless you are missing any specific charge slots outside these times, as and when thet happen, just provide us the details.