• SolaxIOG
  • Smart discharge schedule and IOG charge clash

Thanks! I should have said that yesterday the only reason why the battery was above the specified % in the smart schedule was due to the fact that WW charged it up before hand!

However in the summer that is likely to happen more often so not sure if you might need to include a toggle at the smart schedule page that 'allows the schedule to proceed even during an IoG session this discharging into the car, but only if enough SoC left to take you to 11:30pm?'

This could be tricky however with Octopus randomly changing the schedules recently. Plus there are bound to be folk out there who may prefer discharging the battery into the car despite the efficiency losses.

Thanks for looking into it!

admin maybe it should be a switch?
I would like export take precedence over import at these times
plenty of time to import overnight in my opinion......

    PANface Yes but if the car is charging at the same time, unless you battery is wired in such a way that does not see the car load...it will export into the car. All WW is controlling is the Battery Charge schedule, it cannot stop the car from charging.

      michaelm ...
      so last night i had 80% left in my battery that was from the sun.
      ww predicted lots of sun today.

      would it be better to put the 60% of battery into car then recharge battery today from the sun?

        PANface Entirely up to you. Using the battery to charge the car is a bit pointless as you make 15p exporting and only pay 7p to import to charge the car. Best to export if you can. But even if it was not for the ££, you do loose a lot of energy converting from the battery to the car. I would rather i did not discharge the battery to the car.

        michaelm Whilst users with IOG and solar storage can take advantage of our IOG functionality to top up their solar battery, our IOG integration is especially useful for users who have their system wired in a such a way that the house does see the car load.

        So you just end up charging the car.

        If you wanted to truly export, it's pretty obvious you'd unplug the car, and no IOG adhoc slots would be assigned, therefore I feel it makes sense to have IOG charging take priority even when export schedules are configured.

        Just allows IOG users to not have to worry that their active export schedules (which they may well use from time to time) will interrupt adhoc charges that are running.

        Happy to hear other IOG users' input on this.

          admin I'm pretty sure I made this point about 7-10 days ago, on another thread.

          Just for clarity, I definitely don't want my batteries emptying into the EV. That's the whole point of using WW for me.

            MrMessy Thanks, yep, I remember the thread.

            This should now be addressed, deployed via a server fix. Let us know how it goes.

            admin Thank you for the quick fix as always

            So was the fix along the lines of my sugegstion whereby the Smart Discharge Schedule does NOT activate if an IOG schedule is in place?

            How did you account for the fact that Octopus cwaps schedules at will recently!!


              michaelm So was the fix along the lines of my sugegstion whereby the Smart Discharge Schedule does NOT activate if an IOG schedule is in place?

              If there's an IOG schedule coming active or coming up in the next few mins, a configured export schedule will be skipped.

              michaelm How did you account for the fact that Octopus cwaps schedules at will recently!!

              We check every minute for new IOG schedules.

              There may be a race-condition, but we'll have to see how we go. I think it'll be fine. (Famous last words!)


                Hi - I’ve got a number of export schedules setup after taking advice on this forum and they work perfectly, but I’ve always wondered how to get the dynamic charge slots allocated by IOG to override them and charge the battery, so I’m pleased to see this has been resolved.

                However, I can’t seem to get it working for some reason. Tonight, IOG have given me slots from 20:30 but the export schedules have run.

                Can you help please?


                  jablad Thanks for reporting, this is odd. We've enabled some extra logging on your account so we can better diagnose what's gone wrong here. Particularly if it happens again.

                    admin thanks - same tonight, car started charging at 23:00 but export schedules ran. In the IO section, it always just shows the 23:30 - 05:30 charge slot

                      jablad Thanks, looks like somehow your adhoc slots aren't being picked up. More logging added, we'll keep you updated.

                      jablad Could you let us know when you plug in your EV please and when you get an adhoc slot mapped from Octopus? We can then check our logs to see what's going on, thank you!

                        Just because it was mentioned above, Octopus prefer that you leave the car plugged in when at home, so that they can maximise the slots available to them to manage the load. And, if we consider the new world of vehicle to load/grid that will become a requirement. The likelihood is that the car will nearly always be connected to a point that is seen as house load (and for reasons of monitoring, one would argue it should be) but then this brings about the dreaded battery to EV discharge scenario.
                        Hopefully you can remove all instances of this being the outcome until we get to a point when this becomes almost impossible to do via standard API calls on any home battery and EV solution installed. We are a long way off that yet though.

                        admin hi - just plugged in and it’s given me a load of slots before the normal 23:30, first one starts at 18:45

                          jablad Right, if you do not see mapped charges in the Octopus app, it means Octopus do not control it and when we query the Octopus API, we get no mapped slots, see the logs below:

                          This is an issue with Ohme chargers, which are currently not integrated with Octopus' API - as in, Octopus controlling the IOG charges.

                            admin I see, so do Octopus tell Ohme and it’s Ohme that control the charges then?