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  • Intelligent Octopus Go - limited beta

PeteC Thanks - odd. We can see that your end schedule isn't being actioned. Looks like the IOG schedule starts but then ends up disappearing, hence it doesn't process the end instruction.

Works fine for a lot of other IOG users.

We'll do some more digging and logging for your account, so we can trace the root cause.

15 days later

With the dropping of the sun I have returned to WW Intelligent (IOG) and reduced the EV charging amperage to the lowest option. By doing the latter I am served longer and or more Intelligent slots. This is particularly effective when I am able to execute in the morning. For example I've worked away on Tuesday, plug in Wednesday AM whilst working from home, or Saturday out all morning, home for lunch, plug in.
To ensure I am able to dump the newly discovered abundance of additional Giv charging I have implemented the AIO version of ' @MrMessy Dump XS slots' as shown (decreasing increments of 11%s from an SOC of 66). Tuning will be needed as we learn more: the aim being to ensure benefit even with the occasional evening IOG 30 minute charge.

    JayC I think you may need to leave a bit more time between each schedule.
    Bear in mind the instructions can be sent up to 5 mins before the start, I wonder if potentially overlapping instructions may mess things up.

    PS very naughty dropping the EV charge current.
    I'll be doing the same, don't tell anyone.🤫😅

    • JayC replied to this.

      MrMessy Battery sitting at 63% now (20:15) so I’ll run as is tonight as learning exercise. If necessary increase one minute per run until the optimum is identified. Thank you.

      MrMessy here is a grab of a section of the related Giv log (no filters). Auto adjusted by WW?

        Could I please be added to this Beta?


          JayC so, did that run successfully?
          Looks to me like it's set the discharge, then immediately unset it. Or maybe I'm misreading something🤔 (entirely possible, I'm on the M40 😅)

          I get this...

          • JayC replied to this.

            MrMessy It seems they were actioned but then nullified as I'd left on the Eco switch in Advanced. Therefore the results are not clear. I will run again this week without Eco On.

              admin Many thanks! Can I please ask a couple of probably stupid questions that probably have been already answered previously?
              Am I right in assuming I no longer have to set a nightly WW house battery charge schedule if the IO feature is in use?

              I have an planned export schedule running each evening. If I plug my EV in, creating charging windows during the evening, how does that interact with the running export schedule - does the export stop temporary or fully, or does the export stop the EV charge happening? Thanks in advance!

                J1m Am I right in assuming I no longer have to set a nightly WW house battery charge schedule if the IO feature is in use?

                Correct, we automatically assign the default IOG slot, whether your car is plugged in or not.

                J1m If I plug my EV in, creating charging windows during the evening, how does that interact with the running export schedule - does the export stop temporary or fully, or does the export stop the EV charge happening?

                We're not doing anything special around this, so you will end up with possibly conflicting schedules. Best may be that if you plan to plug EV in, toggle your export to inactive.

                • J1m replied to this.
                • J1m likes this.

                  JayC mine's set like this...

                  If that doesn't do it, I think you need to be leaving a 5 min gap between instructions.

                  admin Thanks for that, regarding your second answer can I simply use the 'pause all schedules' option to stop my export schedules or would that affect the EV charging as well?

                    J1m Pause all would affect your IOG schedule too, yes.

                    • J1m likes this.

                    J1m Scroll up to 21st September on this thread and you'll find a comprehensive work around by Mr Messy.

                    • J1m replied to this.

                      I've configured the IO schedule and it's got updated with tonight's Smart Charge of the home battery between 23:30 and 05:30. I've just tried plugging my EV in and Octopus have mapped Charge slots between 23:00 and 07:00, then 07:00 to 11:00 tomorrow. Should any of this information be appearing in the WW schedule, as it isn't there?

                        J1m Do you see anything in your Octopus Intelligent section in WW under Planned Intelligent charge slots?

                        • J1m replied to this.

                          admin Yes, tonight's home battery charge is showing. User ID is neat-permission if needed..