admin Midville Yeah looks like your problem is of a different nature. Instructions are correctly sent and received, but it looks like your inverter just isn't actioning them for some reason.
admin Gazzagreen That doesn't seem to be an issue in all fairness for you, as we'd expect a different error. But yeah, let us know what happens tonight.
danvoner @Gazzagreen & @admin It looks like I had the same problem !!
PeteC Looking at the Remote History for last night, it seems that WonderWatt setup a charge schedule correctly at 23:32:22, but then cleared it at 23:33:34.
admin PeteC Yep - this was fixed in Release 813. We fixed an issue in 809 where you would plug in your car, then unplug, and the battery would keep charging. This inadvertently caused a problem for the default IOG slot/window which has now been rectified.
danvoner PeteC This seems to have hit quite a few of us (hits the back pocket too when my ASHP starts sucking peak electricity today !)
tuckenby Hi, I have had the same issue with no over night battery charging for almost a week. I went in to my GE account and had to add the over night time schedule in to the settings as it had all been cleared. Hopefully the update will correct the charging issues too. Will see tonight. I also have an issue on my WW home screen where I get the prompt: Error loading energy flow data and to check the API key. I have updated both my GE and IOG APIs in WW and still get the error prompt. Any ideas?
admin tuckenby Sounds like an incorrect Giv API key. To test your API key before using it and updating it in Settings, you can follow these instructions here:
Gazzagreen My Battery charged as normal last night. Seems turning off the WW schedule worked when using IOG, which automatically sets it’s own schedule. Oh looks like you put a fix out (813) that may have been the solution?
admin Gazzagreen Oh looks like you put a fix out (813) that may have been the solution? Yep, that's the one. Glad it worked OK for you.