- Edited
I had the same, see my report here: https://community.wonderwatt.com/d/68-battery-discharge-logic-bug-report
I disagree that this is a side effect of using the disable discharge preset. It should not be. In case the logic correctly decides not to discharge it should keep the SOC bottom limit range for the battery as it was set before and as WW actually resets it at the end of each charge window.
Moreover, my usable battery bottom limit % also got reset at 20% and I have not entered 20% anywhere as a value in my settings. I've seen the 20% also previously in the API commands coming in from WW. Example below:
In this example it did not affect me, since it was reset 1 second later back to 4%. I never understood where the 20% came from and what its intent was.
However today because of the rare combination of events as described in my post of which link can be found at the beginning of the post, it did cause an unwanted event and I started importing rather than using my battery.