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  • Intelligent Octopus Go - limited beta

admin So the charging slots don't appear on that page? Thanks for clarifying..

  • JayC replied to this.

    J1m Hmm.... I am sure charging slots do show on that page and that I have seen them previously there.
    Mine aren't detailed tonight but I think that is because I have not been fortunate enough to have been allocated slots outside of the 23:30-05:30 standard band (despite plugging and unplugging:-) ).

    • J1m replied to this.


      J1m Yes, tonight's home battery charge is showing.

      They do appear under Planned Intelligent charge slots. Unless you mean something else?

      • J1m replied to this.

        admin That's the problem though, only the home battery charge is showing in that section?

        @J1m These are my screenshots from WW and IOG for tonight. The EV and the AIO will both charge.

        • J1m replied to this.

          JayC Yes mine's the same except the Octopus window shows charging between 11p.m and 11a.m tomorrow...

          • JayC replied to this.

            J1m What is you 'Ready by' time set to? (as is you look to have 7p electricity for 12 hours straight... with virtually zero possibility of WW being wrong as they are taking the read from Octo's API).

              JayC It is set for 11a.m so the Octopus slots do match...

              • JayC replied to this.

                J1m My opinion is that you are all good. Because there are no gaps (consecutive) the slot is showing as just one in WW: another efficiency: why Octo lists them as many who knows.

                  JayC Thanks for that, I shall see if my home battery starts charging at 23:00, if it does then I'm good!

                    J1m Yep, should do, we condense the slots altogether if they're adjacent. Your EV will charge as per Octopus instructions, and we've picked up your EV slots, ready to instruct your battery for the full slot as well.

                    • J1m replied to this.
                    • J1m likes this.
                      5 days later

                      @admin FYI

                      Everyone else been short changed?

                      I mean, technically I haven't been short changed as the batteries still charged for 6 hours but, Octopus and GE inverters run local time, so I drew power from the batteries 04:30-05:30, when it should have still been pulling from the grid at cheap rate.

                      Perhaps we can get this right for spring, when the clocks go the other way?😉😅

                      And what's more, I've just spotted, at 11pm, that the charge times were still on BST, so I've been done at both ends of the day...

                      ...... and it gets better. Due to me not spotting the incorrect charging times until after the event had started and subsequently changing back to 23:30-05:30, WW had already stored the end instruction ready for deployment, so for a 2nd night at 04:30 charging was stopped.

                      Whilst this has not "cost" me huge sums of money (2hrs export and 1/2hr peak import), it's somewhat frustrating for a system that otherwise works really well.

                        MrMessy Yeah IOG seems off, we'll get this sorted.

                        Looks like this is only for the default IOG slot, not ad-hoc charge slots, would you agree @MrMessy ?

                        Fix being rolled out now.

                          admin I would imagine IOG was impacted because the "standard" cheap periods crosses midnight. I don't think any other tariffs do that

                          Don't know about the ad-hoc charging, as I didn't charge at all over the weekend but, I suspect they would behave in a similar way to Agile.

                          Thanks for sorting. I'll be watching like a hawk tonight.😁

                          I just logged in to report the same thing but @MrMessy was obviously on the ball! I hadn't checked for a couple of nights but noticed the same issue had happened for me for the last two nights. Glad it's getting sorted.👍